17 July is International Criminal Justice Day
International Criminal Justice Day
The international community is determined to fight against impunity, bring justice to victims and deter future atrocities. The success of the emerging system of international criminal justice, which aims to complement and reinforce national justice systems..., depends on the vocal support of all those that believe in justice. Citizens around the world, students, teachers, professors, politicians, lawyers, non-governmental organizations and civil society in general, governments and international organizations are encouraged to make their voices heard. We invite all those who are committed to this vision of international justice to celebrate International Criminal Justice Day! Whether you are looking to share the great event you have planned or are in need of inspiration, this page is for you. Don’t hesitate to get involved: ideas for individuals, ideas for groups, ideas for this year or next – we welcome them all. In the spirit of the conference in Rome and the Review Conference in Kampala, we encourage active and respectful discussion.